SEKO-NA Forklift Scale Logo
SEKO Forklift Scale - Accurate Onboard Forktruck Weighing
- Modular Forklift and Fork Truck Scale and Weighing System -
Attachment Compatible for Weighing, Piece Counting, Batching and Bale Clamp
Home Product

SEKO Scale

Modular Forklift Scale
  Simple - Accurate - Rugged - Reliable
All SEKO Forklift Scales are Nominally 99.9% Accurate (+/- 0.1% Error - 1 Pound Error per Thousand Pound Load)

Economics Discussion

If your forklift operator travels to a floor scale 20 times per hour,
your savings can pay for your SEKO Forklift Scale in a few months
 and put continuing $$$ profit in your bank account during the first twelve months!

You do the math with your actual numbers:
"Extra time per shift spent weighing with floor scale) X (Hourly forklift costs) = Potential Savings per shift"
Add the benefit of increased production per shift and this is your new profit from efficient SEKO onboard weighing!

Your cost savings start IMMEDIATELY.
Convert costs to savings - "A Penny saved is a Penny Earned"!
Your forklift operating cost savings pays for the scale - and earns a continuing, serious profit!

Your production and cost savings increase immediately.
Economical? YES!
Affordable? YES!
Profitable? YES!

Call Today to Start Saving and Growing!
Toll-Free  800-594-9288

SEKO Forklift Scale prices and terms are structured to create
an economical price and affordable acquisition method
for small businesses as well as for fleet operators.

Our direct sales policy provides the best pricing possible
with profitable negotiated dealer and fleet opportunities.

  • We accept check and bank transfer(ACH)  payments.
  • We accept purchase orders upon approval.
  • We offer convenient, economical and affordable credit and terms for small forklift owners and for fleet operators.
  • We offer a 5% hardware discount for full cash payment with the order.
* IRS Section 179 Accelerated Amortization may apply. Consult your accountant for details. 

SEKO-NA Forklift Scale Logo  Maple Leaf Image  US Flag Eagle
SEKO Forklift Scale N.A. LLC
718 South Front Street - Rawlins, Wyoming USA 82301

Accurate, Reliable and Rugged Forklift Scale Technology
Maple Leaf Image  US Flag Eagle
North America
  Toll-Free  800-594-9288
  +01 307-321-4505
Henry Nicolle

Last Revisions:05 December, 2024